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What is Data Structure algorithm? Type Of Data Structure.

A Data  Structure Is a data organization , managing data in Computer System.
There are two Type of Data Structure.
1) Primitive Data Structures.
2) Non- Primitive Data Structures.

1) Primitive data Structures
        A data structure is directly operated by machine-level instruction is called primitive data structures.

For Ex: Integer, Character, Float.

2) Non-Primitive data Structures
        Not directly operated by machine level instruction is called non-primitive data structures.

There are two types of Non-primitive data structures.

2.1) Linear Data Structures.
- Stores data Sequentially using memory location.
- Data are arranged in a linear fashion.
- Example: arrays, stacks, linked list, Queue.
Array: - Set of fix number of objects
           - No deletion and insertion.
           - Searching and Sorting are Faster.

Stacks : Subset of the list.
           Allow insertion and deletion only at one end.
           - Insertion of the operation known as ‘push’.
           - the deletion operation is known as ‘pop’.

Linked List: Expand Each node with a link and this link point to next node is called a linked list.

Example:  - Single linked list.
Doubly Linked list.
- Circular Linked list.

Queue : Data Structures which allow insertion at one end and deletion at another end known as Queue.
            -At another end at which insertion occurs(‘Rear end’).

2.2) Non-Linear Data Structures.
        - Data is not stored Sequentially because memory is not allocated Sequentially.
        - Data are not arranged in linear fashion.
        - Example: tree, Graph.

Tree: Consists Of Nodes Connected by Edge.
         - Circle represents Node.

Graph: Type Of Graph

          a) Un-Directed Graph
          b) Directed Graph
          c) Simple Graph
          d) Multi Graph
          e) Null Graph
          f) Weighted Graph

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