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Linked List in Data Structure and Types Of Linked List in Data Structure. | infodpsoft

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(The figure is Linked List)

A Linked List Sequence Data Structure and A number Of Linked List Group in The From Of Node.
·  Information
·  Address

Operation Of Linked List.

· Insert New Node At First.

· Insert New Node At End.
· Delete the First Node.
· Delete an End Node.

Advantages Of Linked List.

·  No Memory Wastage.
·  In Linked list Stacks and queues can be easily executed
·  Size is not Fix.

Disadvantages Of Linked List.

· Not Easy Reverse Traversing.       
· No Direct Access.
· Pointer Require Wastage of Memory.

Type Of Linked List.

1) Singly Linked List.
2) Single Circular Linked List.
3) Doubly Linked List.
4) Doubly Circular Linked List.

1) Singly Linked List.
Singly A linked list is defined as a Linked list in which each node contains the only address of the next node called Successor.
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(The figure is Singly Linked List)

Last Link Field Is Null For Node.


  1. struct LinkedList
  2. {
  3.      int data;
  4.      struct LinkedList *next;
  5.  };

2) Doubly Linked List.

One Pointing To Previous Node and Another Pointing To Next Node.

- Each Node In List Used Two Pointers In Linked List, Then Its Called Doubly Linked List.
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(The figure is Doubly Linked List)

- Pointer To Previous Node.
- Information.
- Pointer To Next Node.


  1. struct Node 
  2. { 
  3.     int data; 
  4.     struct Node* next;
  5.     struct Node* prev; 
  6. };

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